These rat traps combines trigger sensitivity with the exact trap velocity needed to capture and hold rats. Its patented interlocking teeth make rat escapes virtually impossible. Safer to use than other rat snap traps, TRAPPER T-REX sets easily by foot or hand. The top rule for using any rat trap is to use plenty of traps. You may need more traps than you think is warranted when trapping rats. Usually, the rat population is larger than expected. Place rat traps in high-activity areas of the rat colony. These areas may include darkened corners, along walls, behind appliances and objects, and all areas where droppings are evident. Since rats need to touch surfaces as they move, place them accordingly. Place rat traps spaced from 15-20 feet apart. Remember to place them touching a wall since rats like to run along walls to avoid detection. To trap Roof Rats, set traps on tree limbs, under vegetation on a backyard fence or trellis, or on other above ground locations roof rats are known to frequent. Fasten the traps with wire to overhead pipes, rafters and beams. "DIRECTIONS AND WARNINGS" Keep out of reach of children. Do not touch pets, before handling the traps. Avoid handling dead rodents with bare hands to prevent contact with ectoparasites or diseased animals. Use rat traps when poison baits may pose a potential hazard to children, pets or wildlife. Use peanut butter, unsalted seeds or nuts, bananas, apples, cake icing, and raw uncooked meat like bacon or hot dogs or raw chicken.