Nothing but the Best of the Cucurbit Vegetable Family! From the most popular to the rarest seeds of the family!
Click now to buy your favorite variety, or save money and grow the entire collection at a discount! This is the best cucurbate survival selection available.
Luffa Aegyptiaca 35 seeds AKA loofa cylindrica
Giant Luffa Esmeralda 15 seeds rare huge sponge
Crown of Thorns Gourd 30 seeds Bin #93
Dark Green Zucchini 25 seeds Bin #105
Birdhouse Gourd 16 seeds Bin #110
Speckled Swan Gourd 20 Seeds Bin #113
Dipper Gourd 20 Seeds Bin #40
Boston Pickling Cucumber 150 seeds Bin #92
Cucumber White Wonder 50 seeds Bin #142
Cucumber Straight 8 60 Seeds Bin #32
Lemon Cucumber 100 seeds Bin #31
Mexican Sour Gherkin 10 seeds Bin #1
Beit Alpha Cucumber 30 seeds Bin #211
Armenian Cuke Mix 80 seeds Bin #5
Pumpkin Atlantic Giant 8 seeds Bin #328
Jack Be Little Pumpkin 30 seeds Bin #308
Melon Florida Giant 50 seeds Bin #4
Spaghetti Squash 20 seeds Bin #275
Pink Banana Squash 25 seeds
Entire collection, one packet of each variation listed above
Terms and conditions, READ THIS PLEASE: Orders over $14 from this ad will be shipped with tracking, Otherwise: Seeds will be shipped economy/standard or first class 2-10 day shipping (NO TRACKING and no planting instructions to keep seed costs to the buyer low), in a ziplock baggie. Our goal is to save you money on quality seeds. We are responsible sellers, and we make sure our buyers are well taken care of. Shipped within 2 business days after payment. We are a seller that caters to experienced gardeners. (germination and plant care information is readily available online, but if you can’t find germinating and care instructions, please feel free to message us). Most of our listings include germination instructions, so we do not ship growing instructions. Multiple orders of a single item will be combined into 1 ziplock. We are not responsible for buyer germination success, seeds have been tested. Seed count is approximate, and packaged by weight. Seeds vary in size, weight is exact, and based upon empirical count, quantity is estimated. Liability of seller is limited to the cost of the item(s).
Zellajake Farm and Garden: "Seeds for all your planting needs" since 2013